
and the nobel prize in literature goes to...

a woman!!!!! yay!!! women rock!!! and because women aren't recognized enough in awards. no, i am not a thong burning feminist. but there is a certain amount of inequality that goes unacknowledged. anyway, cheers to this very worthy Austrian author.

and the sky went rattapallax

rattapallax made me do a doubletake: for the word itself, which is is Wallace Steven’s onomatopoeia for “thunder” and for the magazine/website/press published by Ram Devineni, which is doing/has done some wonderful work, especially in honor of Pablo Neruda's 1ooth birthday-a book, a documentary, and a pilgrimage of sorts to isla negra.

Behenji was inspired to pen a few words after reading about the trip to isla negra:


yesterday, a third of a century after
did you imagine they would circle
your house

like Hindus circling
a temple